Get them Onboard with Ease!
Estymol’s Onboarding Management tool allows you to provide new hires with an easy entry into your company, helping them become productive on day one.
The most effective follow through to a good hiring process is an equally strong onboarding program. The onboarding process happens often and is a significant factor in the employee’s future success. Good onboarding (new hire orientation) helps reduce inefficiencies and forges lasting relationships with your new hires.
Estymol provides your organization with a reliable and rapid response to the troublesome issue of effective onboarding. Employees are given the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in their roles benefiting both the employee and the future of your organization. With Estymol’s Onboarding program, organizations are able to accelerate the time to performance of new employees by weaving them into their new environments more quickly and thoroughly.
The concept behind employee on-boarding is best defined as a systematic and comprehensive approach to orientating the new employees to get them “On board”.
There are two high level goals of the on-boarding process: